Song usually composed of four verses, the first two and the last hexasyllables and the third hendecasyllable divided into hemistichs of five and six syllables. There are also three verses. Its origin, although uncertain, It must be dated to the very genesis of flamenco, because there is evidence that it was sung as early as the 18th century, although, undoubtedly, That original seguiriya that we are told about in numerous writings would have little to do with the one we know today.. It is par excellence the cante de la pena and presents a very extensive stylistic variety.. The accentuation of its beat has led many to confusion, thinking that it was an amalgam compass. It is actually a 12/8 in which silences play an important role. It is always accompanied by means of modal tones, although certain personal styles present slight support in major chords, These thirds being known as “finished”, due to its similarity with the cabal. Its main creation center is Jerez de la Frontera, Where are Paco la Luz from?, Manuel Molina, Crazy Mateo, Maria Borrico, Juanichi the Manager or Joaquin Lacherna. However, It is also legal to place this song in Cádiz: the Twin, Henry the Fat, Durse Job- and Seville: Caganchos, Pelaos, Colorao bottle-.